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July 1981 features a savage Blake Edwards satire, the introduction of Snake  Plissken, Dudley Moores iconic Arthur and De Palmas best movie By The Last '80s Newsletter (You'll Ever Need) - Substack
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July 1981 features a savage Blake Edwards satire, the introduction of Snake  Plissken, Dudley Moores iconic Arthur and De Palmas best movie By The Last '80s Newsletter (You'll Ever Need) - Substack
July 1981 features a savage Blake Edwards satire, the introduction of Snake  Plissken, Dudley Moores iconic Arthur and De Palmas best movie By The Last '80s Newsletter (You'll Ever Need) - Substack
July 1981 features a savage Blake Edwards satire, the introduction of Snake  Plissken, Dudley Moores iconic Arthur and De Palmas best movie By The Last '80s Newsletter (You'll Ever Need) - Substack
July 1981 features a savage Blake Edwards satire, the introduction of Snake  Plissken, Dudley Moores iconic Arthur and De Palmas best movie By The Last '80s Newsletter (You'll Ever Need) - Substack
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